83 Altos R720 Installation Configuration Guidethe EasyBUILD 7.1 build 100 (or later).Software Version EasyBUILD VersionRAID Web Console2 2.63 EasyBUILD 8.0 build 200 (or later)Configuring integrated SAS hardware RAID 2Please refer to the APPENDIX B. for the integrated SAS hardware RAID 2configuration.Installation TipsNOTE. There is no built-in driver Integrated SAS hardware RAID 2 in the SUSELinux Enterprise Server 9 Service Pack 3. If you do not have the optionalinternal USB floppy drive, you need an external USB floppy drive for applyingdriver during the OS installation.1. Since SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Service Pack 3 cannot recognize theintegrated SAS hardware RAID 2, you need to make a driver diskette fromthe EasyBUILD 7.1 build 100 first before the installation.2. Boot the system form SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Service Pack3bootable CD.3. When you see the boot menu on the screen, select Installation, press F6then press Enter to continue.4. Follow the instruction to load the integrated SAS hardware RAID 2 driverfrom the driver diskette.5. Follow the instruction to change the CD to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9CD #1.6. At the Installation Settings, select the Software and click on Detailedselection to add kernel-source and C/C++ Compiler and Tools to install.7. To add C/C++ compiler tools, please check C/C++ Compiler and Tools inthe left window.8. To add kernel-source, please select Various Linux Tools in the left windowand check kernel-source in the right window.9. After you add the kernel-source and C/C++ Compiler and Tools, pleaseclick on Accept and follow the instruction to complete the installation.Gigabit Ethernet Driver Installation1. You can find the Intel 82546EB driver in EasyBUILD 7.1 build 100. Pleaserefer to directory of the 82546EB driver in Driver Required section andcopy the driver from the EasyBUILD 7.1 build 100 to HDD first.# mount /media/dvdram# cp –R /media/dvdram/Disk/R720/NIC/Intel/pro1000.lx/. /tmp