4 Configuration Software and Utilities60Alternatively, if you have a workstation with the Microsoft Windowsoperating system, you can insert the CD into that system and create thediskettes on that system.Running the SSUWhen the SSU starts in the default local execution mode, the SSUaccepts input from the keyboard or mouse. The SSU presents a VGA-based GUI on the primary monitor.If you run the SSU from read-only media, such as the CD-ROM, youcannot save user preference settings (such as screen colors).The SSU supports ROM-DOS version 6.22. The SSU will not operatefrom a “DOS box” running under an operating system such asWindows.Start the SSU using one of the following methods:• From diskettes: Insert the first SSU diskette in drive A and boot theserver from the diskette.You are prompted to insert the second diskette. After loadingcompletes the SSU starts automatically.• From the System Resource or ASMe CD-ROM: Boot the server tothe System Resource CD and start the SSU from the Utilities menu.• From the Service Partition: Boot the server to the Service Partitionand execute the following DOS commands:C:\> cd ssuC:\SSU> ssu.batThe mouse driver loads if it is available; press Enter to continue.When the SSU title appears on the screen, press Enter to continue.Working with the SSU InterfaceYou can access features of the SSU interface using the mouse orkeyboard:• Mouse-Click once to choose menu items and buttons or to selectitems in a list, such as the Available Tasks list. To run a list item,such as one of from the Available Tasks list, select the item andclick OK or double-click the item.