AcerAltos 9100B Series User’s GuideA-4A.3 Jumper SettingsThe backplane has two jumpers, J3 and J4, that allow you to select the terminatorpower source. J3 supports the four upper drive slots (slots 1, 2, 3, and 4) on thebackplane. J4 supports the four lower drive slots (slots 5, 6, 7, and 8).Figure A-2 shows the settings for jumpers J3 and J4.* Default settingFigure A-3 Jumper Settings for 4-pin J3 and J4You may also set J3 to setting 1 and J4 tosetting 2, or vice versa.For single-channel configuration, settings 1and 2 for J3 are disabled since terminatorsRA4, RA5, and RA6 are removed.SETTING 1 *Terminator power comes from thebackplaneSETTING 2Terminator power comes from theSCSI cable