5.3 Inverter (DC to AC Section)5.4 Electrical characteristics5.4.1 FOR AU PANEL M170EN05MIN. TYP. MAX. COMMENTINPUT VOLTAGE 11.4V 12.0V 12.6V 12V±5%INPUT CURRENT -------- 2A -------- Vin=12V,Vbrite=3.3VNormal BACKLIGHTVOLTAGE -------- 700V rms. --------LAMP CURRENT 3mA rms. 7mA rms 7.5mA rmsDRIVINGFREQUENCY 40KHz 50KHZ 80KHzEFFICIENCY -------- 75% -------- Vin = 12V,maxbrightnessVin ON/OFFsequence-------- 0.5S --------OLP TIME -------- 1S _ Open lampprotection timeBRIGHTNESSRANGE 30% -------- 100%Brightness control 0.4V _ 3.3V 3.3V, brightnessmax.Brightness _ 260cd/m2 _Strike voltage at 0°C 1700 Vrms _ _Operating life time 30,000 hrs _ _ (note)PWM dimmingfrequency 160Hz 180Hz 200HzNote:Life time (hr) can be defined as the time in which it continues to operate under the condition:Ta=25±2°C, IL =7 mArms until one of the following event occurs:1. When the brightness becomes 50 %2. When the startup voltage (Vs) at 0°C becomes higher than the maximal value of Vs specified above.29