2IT Equipment Recycling Information:Acer is strongly committed to environmental protection and views recycling, in the formof salvaging and disposal, of used equipment as one of the company’s top priorities inminimizing the burden placed on the environment.We at Acer are very conscious of the environmental forces that impose on our businessand strive to identify and provide the best working products to reduce the environmentalimpact of our products.For more information and help in recycling, please visit the following websites:Worldwide:http://global.acer.com/about/environmental08.htmVisit www.global.acer.com for further information on our other products and its featuresand benefits.Lamp DisposalIT Equipment Recycling InformationLAMP(S) INSIDE THIS PRODUCT CONTAIN MERCURY AND MUST BE RECYCLED OR DISPOSED OFACCORDING TO LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT THEELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ALLIANCE AT WWW. EIAE. ORG. FOR LAMP SPECIFIC DISPOSALINFORMATION CHECK WWW. LAMPRECYCLE. ORG.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) DirectiveDo not throw this electronic device into the municipal trash bin when discarding. Tominimize pollution and ensure utmost protection of the global environment, please recycleit. For more information about the collection of WEEE welcome to visit our homepage atwww.acer.com under environment.