Page 24AL170212. Power BoardCheck output voltage +5V, +12V and 22Vis right or not.No YesCheck power switch is turn on or not.Yes NoCheck power cord (P801), signalcable (P302), P802, P803, CN102,CN103 is connected right or not.It is not power board problem.Turn switch on.YesNoCheck C805 is about DC140V-330Vor not.Connect it rightYes NoCheck C807 is over 10V or not.Check F801, D801, P801 and repairthem.Check pin 6 of I801 have samepulse or not.Check R805, R803, I801 and repairthem.Check pin 1 of T802 have samepulse or not.Check peripheral co,of I801 andrepair them.Check peak voltage of R811 trianglepulse is up to 1 volt or not.Check Q803, R813, R814, D806,R812 and repair them.Check D804, R807 and repair them.Check D809, D810, D811, C818,C817, C822, T802 have same shortcircuit, or the output +5V/+12V/+22Vis over load.Yes NoYes NoYes NoYes NoCheck feedback circuit around I802,I803 and the other components andrepair them.YesRepair them.No