WEARING YOUR PEDOMETERWhile gently holding the belt clip open, slide the pedometer ontoyour belt or the top edge of your pants or skirt. It should fit snuglyand level, above one knee.Note: The pedometer should be as vertical as possible. Walkerswith larger stomachs may find it helpful to wear the pedometerfarther back on the body, toward one hip.The cover must be closed for the pedometer to work. To avoidlosing or dropping your pedometer, use the included leash and clipto fasten the pedometer securely to your clothing.ACTIVITY PEDOMETEROPERATING INSTRUCTIONSACCUSPLIT, Inc. • 3090 Independence Drive, Suite 148 • Livermore, CA 94551 USA800-935-1996 • 925-290-1900 • FAX 925-290-1930 • www.ACCUSPLIT.com • support@ACCUSPLIT.comACCUSPLIT®ALLIANCE 1520Congratulations on taking the first step to wellnesswith your purchase of an ACCUSPLIT pedometer.It’s easy to set up your new pedometer.Just follow the steps below, and start walking!RESETTING YOUR PEDOMETERMost people prefer to reset step counts daily. To reset: Pressand hold yellow RESET button for at least two seconds toreset to zero.AUTO MOVEMENT SENSOR1. To filter out random movements, the unit remains instandby mode until 5 continuous steps are registered.Only then are the 5 steps calculated in, and an Activeindicator “▲” appears on the upper left of display.2. When regular walk/run movement stops, after 2 secondsthe timer pauses and the unit switches to standby status(Active indicator “▲” disappears).REPLACING THE BATTERYWhen the display starts to dim or goes blank, it is time toreplace the battery. Your pedometer uses one Type LR441.5 volt alkaline battery. To replace:1. Insert a coin into the slot on the bottom of the case, andtwist counterclockwise to loosen the case front. Lift casefront away.2. Using a pen or other thin object, push battery sidewaysout of its holder. Replace it with a new battery. Thebattery’s positive (+) terminal should be FACE UP whileyou put it into the pedometer.3. Align case front over the pedometer and press gently tosnap cover back into place, starting with top.AccuSTEP 10000 ORG RESETACTIVITYPEDOMETERSTEPACCUSPLIT® ALLIANCE 1520000508RESET button960-044First, loop thepedometer clipNext, loop the metal clip,then clasp clothingOr, loop abadge holder,then put into pocket(Badge holder not included)Or, loop a belt orbelt loopREGISTER NOW Please returnyour AL1520 Registration to theRepair Center address in thewarranty, and we will let youknow about future products.Email (preferred)UserNO-PROOF-OF-PURCHASE LIMITED WARRANTYSee label inside the lid of the pedometer.DISPLAY MODES• STEPSCounts steps taken since last RESET.Reset daily to count each day’s steps.Opening your pedometer: You must openthe pedometer to see your results. The unit ismost easily opened while you are wearing it.To open unit while wearing, place your thumbon the tab at top. Use your thumb to pullthe cover up and away fromyour body. If not wearing thepedometer, turn the unit so thatthe back side is facing you (seeimages at left). Grasp the beltclip with one hand, and thenopen as described above.Attaching the Leash: Attach the pedometer to the leash by loopingthe leash around the pedometer belt clip. Next, clasp the waistbandof your clothing with the Attached clip. You can also use a safety pinto fasten the leash to your clothing, loop the leash through your beltor belt loop or use a badge holder.VIEWING YOUR RESULTSOnce you put on your pedometer with the cover closed, it willautomatically begin to record your steps.