Accurate Technology ProScale Page 38 of 48Limit ModeThe Display will show either “LL“ for Lower Limit or ”UL” for Upper Limit if apre-programmed upper or lower reading is encountered. Upper and LowerLimits are set with Programming Parameters Pr16 and Pr17 but are onlyactive if Pr14 is set to 2. The readout toggles for 2 seconds between currentposition display and "LL" or "UL". This continues as long as limit is exceeded.(Programming Parameters 14, 16, 17)Caution: Limit monitoring is always active, even in programming mode.ScalingAll General Purpose Displays have the ability to “scale” the actualmeasurement. This function is useful when the actual measurement must bemultiplied or divided before being displayed. Care should be taken whenusing this function since invoking it will cause the unit to display a readingdifferent than the actual measured value.(Programming Parameter Pr7)Compensation ModeWhen making measurements within the compensated range, the display willautomatically apply the linear interpolation compensation and display thecorrected position on the LCD. See Section 3: COMPENSATION CALIBRA TION.When the ProScale is operated outside the compensated range the LCD willalternate between the uncompensated position measurement display and “” message. This indicates the ProScale is not within compensation range.(Programming Parameters Pr27, 28)Backlighting (24VDC Displays only)LCD backlighting can be configured to always remain OFF, to always remainON or to come on when any key is pressed and then remain on for 3, 7 or 15seconds.(Programming Parameter 22)Monitor Signal Output (24VDC Displays only)A connector provides a solid-state output (.1A / 30 VDC) that can beconfigured to activate on either a position drift (MONitor) condition or ameasurement limit (LIMIT) error. The output can be configured for normallyopen (N/O, not conducting to ground) or normally closed (N/C, conducting toground). Although the Display LCD flashes when either a position drift(MONitor) condition or a measurement limit (LIMIT) error is encountered, theoutput signal only changes state once for out of limit condition and thentoggles back when an in limit condition is restored. Pr14 should be set to 1.Caution: These functions are active during Programming. If parameters arechanged during Programming the output signal could become activeimmediately!(Programming Parameters 14 and 15)