www.accuenergy.comV: 1.0 Revised: Jan. 2018AcuRev 131070DIN-Rail Power Meter2. Preset/Reset Multi-Registers (Function Code 10H)Function code 10H allows the user to write the contents of meters registers such as system pa-rameters and energy initialization.Below is an example on writing a value to the meters total active energy (0.2kWh).Table 5-6 Preset Energy DataAddr Fun Byte Count Data startregister hiData startregister lo# of regis-ters hi#of regis-ters loByte Count11H 10H 0CH 09H 00H 00H 00H 02HValue hi Value lo Value hi Value lo CRC16 hi CRC16 lo00H 00H 00H 14H CDH 30H5.3 Application Details5.3.1 Data TypesThe data types supported by the AcuRev 1310 series meter have the following meanings:Bit-binary valueWord-16 bit unsigned integer using one register that contains 2 bytes. The data range is0-65535.Int16-16 bit signed integer using one register that contains 4 bytes in total. The high bytesfollow the low bytes in this data type. The data range is 0-4294897295.Int32- 32 bit signed integer using two registers that contains 4 bytes in total. The data rangeis from 327698~32767.Float-Single precision floating point number using two registers. The data range is-2147483648~22147483647.5.3.2 Relationship between Communication value and Real valueThe measurement values from the AcuRev 1310 series meter obtained through Modbusmay not always be equal to the real value. The values may be scaled or a relationship mayneed to be applied.Note: It is very important that the user is aware of these relationships when designing pro-grams to poll the meter, otherwise the values may not be accurate.