55Testing blood glucose 33.1 Preparing the lancing deviceAST capyou can use the lancing device to obtain blood from afingertip or from alternate sites. You can choose one of11 different penetration depth settings to suit your ownskin type.you can use the lancing device either docked on to themeter or separately from the meter.If you wish to obtain blood from alternate sites (such asthe fleshy areas under the thumb and under the littlefinger, forearm, upper arm, calf or thigh), you mustreplace the black cap on the lancing device with aspecial AST cap (AST stands for alternate site testing).If there is no AST cap in the pack, you can order onefrom Accu-Chek Customer Care.Make sure you also read the instructions for use thatcome with the AST cap before using blood from alter-nate sites for a blood glucose test.