5www.acclaimlighting.comREMOVING AND REPLACING THE MICRO SD CARDThe Canvas controller uses a standard Micro SD memory card (4GB minimum) to store itsconfiguration data. On occasions it may be advantageous to remove the card so that it maybe copied as a backup or moved to another installation.TO REMOVE THE MICRO SD MEMORY CARD1 Ensure that power is removedfrom the Canvas controller.2 Gain access to the left handend of the controller back box.3 Use a small flat bladedscrewdriver to engage with theraised lip on the underside ofthe Micro SD card and carefullylever the card outwards fromthe controller.TO REPLACE THE SD MICRO MEMORY CARD1 Ensure that power is removedfrom the Canvas controller.2 Orientate the Micro SD cardso that its contacts are facingupwards and in towards theslot.3 Take great care to align thecard correctly with the narrowholder that lies within theouter casing.Note: It is very easy to miss theslot, with the result that the cardwill fall into the casing. If thisshould happen, you will need toopen the casing to retrieve it.4 Gently push the Micro SDcard into the slot until it fullyengages.