Settings95TAB “DST set-tings”SettingAuto DST Ad-justmentWith an activated check box, the de-vice converts automatically to summertime.Enable DST With an activated check box, an exactstart / end date can be selectedFrom / To Date of DST start / endDST Bias Daylight Saving Time Bias: Correc-tion of the DST to the reference timeTAB “MoreSettings”SettingDevice Name Unique specification of the deviceDevice Number Used for unique identification whenusing remote controlOutput Mode Makes the image softer or sharper.CVBS OutputBrightnessScroll bar (left = darker;right = brighter)OperationTimeoutNever / 1 to 30 minutes – regulateshow long the menu is shownMenu OutputModeDefines the video outputs on whichthe OSD menu is visible. Options:Auto, HDMI/VGA, CVBSEvent Hint Activates the event display in the liveimage (exclamation mark in the liveimage)Confirm the settings by clicking Apply and leave themenu with OK.Network configurationCorrect network settings are essential in the followingcases: When using remote control of the device and surveil-lance over your serverNotePlease read the following basic instructions beforesetting up the device.A network is a connection of at least two network-capabledevices.Transmission types: Wired networks (e.g. CAT5 cable) Wireless networks (WLAN) Other transmission types (Powerline)All systems have certain similarities, but can also differ inmany ways.Terms and definitionsAn overview of relevant terms when using the device in anetwork can be found below.Parameter SettingIP address An IP address is the unique address of anetwork device within a network.This address may only appear once with-in a network. Certain IP address rangesare reserved for public networks (e.g. theInternet).Private ad-dress rangee.g. – mask: - mask: - mask: subnet mask is a bit mask used formaking decisions and assignments dur-ing routing. is the standard subnetmask in home networks.Gateway A gateway is a network device which al-lows all other network devices to accessthe Internet.This can be the computer connected tothe DSL modem or – usually – the routeror access point within the network.Parameter SettingNameserverThe name server is responsible for as-signing a unique IP address to a web ad-dress or URL (e.g. Alsoknown as DNS (Domain Name Server).When a domain name is entered into abrowser, the DNS searches for the cor-responding IP address of the server andforwards the query on.The IP of the provider’s DNS can be en-tered here. However, it is often sufficientto select the IP of the gateway. This thenforwards the queries independently to theprovider DNS.DHCP The DHCP server automatically assignsthe IP address, subnet mask, gatewayand name server to a network device.DHCPs are available in current routers.The DHCP service must be specially setand activated (see the correspondingmanual for more information).Note:When using fixed IP addresses and aDHCP server, make sure that the fixed IPaddresses are outside the address rangeassigned by DHCP. Otherwise, problemscould occur.