2-I115-01F- 2 -3. Windows Driver Installation1. When Windows 10, Win8, Win7, Vista, 2008, 2012, OS built-in AHCIinbox driver support, no additional driver required.2. When Windows XP or 2003, run installer “drvSetup.exe” on driver CDfolder “E:\SATA6G_M9128” until “Finish”.3. If you concern the yellow mark of “Marvell Console ATA Device” inWindows Device Manage, you may run drvConsoleSetup.exe to removeit.4. Windows GUI Installation1. Go to the driver CD folder “\SATA6G_M9128\GUI\Windows”, run“MSUSetup_vxxx.exe” for RAID GUI utility installation to get the MSUshortcut icon on the screen.2. Double-click the MSU shortcut icon to open the MSU and take you toa login page.3. Find MSU_User_Guide_xxx.pdf on driver CD folder“\SATA6G_M9128\GUI \Windows” for detail information about RAID,HyperDuo and GUI functions.5. Linux DriverLinux OS built-in AHCI inbox driver support, no additional driver required.6. Linux GUI Installation1. Go to the driver CD folder “\SATA6G_M9128\GUI\Linux”, unzip“Linux_MSU_vxxx.7z”, read “readme.txt” for fixing info, run “MSU-x.x.x.x”for RAID GUI utility installation to get the MSU shortcut icon on thescreen.2. Double-click the MSU shortcut icon to open the MSU and take you toa login page.3. Find MSU_User_Guide_xxx.pdf on driver CD folder“\SATA6G_M9128\GUI \Windows” for the information about RAID,HyperDuo and GUI functions.7. Mac DriverMac 10.x and above OS built-in AHCI inbox driver support, no additionaldriver required.8. Mac GUI Installation1. Go to the driver CD folder “\SATA6G_M9128\GUI\Mac”, click“Mac_MSU_vxxx.dmg”, run “Mac_MSU_vxxx.pkg” for RAID GUI utilityinstallation to get the MSU shortcut icon on the screen.2. Double-click the MSU shortcut icon to open the MSU and take you toa login page.3. Find MSU_User_Guide_xxx.pdf on driver CD folder“\SATA6G_M9128\GUI \Windows” for the information about RAID,HyperDuo and GUI functions.