Execute Disable BitThis item appears only for certain processors with the Execute Disable Bit (XD bit) feature.When set to [Enabled], this item allows the processor to prevent data pages from being usedby malicious software to execute code and provide memory protection.EIST FunctionThis item appears only for certain processors with the EIST (Enhanced Intel SpeedStepTechnology) Function. When set to [Enabled], EIST will dynamically switch between multiplefrequency and voltage points to optimize the power and performance balance of the processorand system based on demand. Back to Advanced BIOS Features Setup MenuHard Disk Boot PriorityThis item selects the hard disks booting priority. By pressing key, you can enter itssubmenu where the hard disks detected can be selected for the booting sequence to boot upsystem.This item functions only when there is the option of [Hard Disk] in any one of theFirst/Second/Third Boot Device items.First Boot Device / Second Boot Device / Third Boot Device / Boot Other DeviceSelect the drive to boot first, second and third in the [First Boot Device], [Second Boot Device],and [Third Boot Device] items respectively. The BIOS will boot the operating system accordingto the sequence of the drive selected. Set [Boot Other Device] to [Enabled] if you wish to bootfrom another device other than these three items.Swap Floppy DriveWhen set to [Enabled], and the system is booting from the floppy drive, the system will bootfrom drive B instead of the regular drive A. There must be two floppy drives connected in thesystem to use this function.Boot Up Floppy SeekWhen set to [Enabled], the BIOS will check whether the floppy disk drive is installed or not.Boot Up NumLock StatusThis item determines the default state of the numeric keypad at system booting up.[On]: The numeric keypad functions as number keys.[Off]: The numeric keypad functions as arrow keys.Security OptionThis item determines when the system will prompt for password - every time the system bootsor only when enters the BIOS setup.[Setup]: The password is required only when accessing the BIOS Setup.[System]: The password is required each time the computer boots up.3-16 AW9D-MAX, AW9D