29FUNCTIONS ANDADJUSTMENTSRADIOCD PLAYERCD MP3PLAYERQUICKGUIDEINTRODUCTIONAUXAA UU XX(( oo nn ll yy ww ii tt hh BB ll uu ee && MM ee TT MM ))INTRODUCTIONThis chapter describes the variants regar-ding the operation of the AUX source: asfar as the operation of the radio is con-cerned, refer to the description in the"Functions and Adjustments" chapter.AUX MODETo activate the AUX source, press theMEDIA button or the SRC steering wheelcontrol several times till the correspon-ding source is displayed.IMPORTANT NOTESThe functions of the device connectedwith the AUX socket are directly mana-ged by the device itself; it is not possibleto change track/folder/playlist with radioor steering wheel controls.Do not leave the cable of your portableplayer connected with the AUX socket af-ter the disconnection, to avoid possiblehisses from the speakers.NOTE The Aux socket is not incorpora-ted in the radio. For its position, refer tothe Blue&Me™ Supplement and its QuickGuide.603_95_045 ABARTH 500 RADIO SB08+AUX GB 9-07-2010 11:32 Pagina 29