Product Guide - A5000 R5.4 – Aastra X seriesBPS0121AENAA01 Page 32/745.3.7.3 Inputs/outputsThe cabinet is available in the following format: RJ45 outputsThe following inputs/outputs exist on the front panel of each UCV2L motherboard:• 1 DB9 connector for the debug link• 1 DB25 connector for alarms and remote controls• 1 RJ45 socket for connecting external on-hold music• 2 RJ45 sockets for the primary and secondary DECT synchronisation ports• 3 Ethernet ports (10/100 base T)• On UCV1L: 3 USB ports, one master and two slaves. On UCV2: 2 USB ports, slaves• control LEDs• the NMI/reset buttons• On UCV1L: 1 RJ45 port for connecting the printer (printer port not active from R5.1). This portdoesn’t exist on UCV2LThe following inputs/outputs exist on each power supply module, on the cabinet’s frontpanel:• the 220V 50Hz mains connection socketThe following connectors are located at the back side of the cabinet:• A connector for expansion cabinet• A connector for battery’s link. UCV2L motherboardThe basic cabinet contains the main UCV2L card, including:• 1 control unit• 3 Ethernet 10/100 BASE TX accesses• 1 32-trunk matrix with dynamic addressing• 1 voice mail system with 8 access points• 1 Compact Flash Card (software of the Gateway and terminals, configuration’s data…); thecapacity of the COMPACT flash allows a new software release, a new firmware release of theIP/SIP terminals to be downloaded and the buffer function (for tickets and billing) to beintegrated and the pictures storage. From version R5.1C, the memory size is 2Go. A new 4Gocompact Flash card is available with R5.4.• 8 3-way conference circuits• 4 alarm loop inputs and 4 alarm loop outputs• 1 HDLC controller for setting up data communication in a B channel• 1 voice prompt and synchronised announcements (on-hold, pre-off-hook)The UCV2L card provides the interfaces with the following components:• one debugging console for the UCV2L card (1 DB9 console connector)• On UCV1L: 1 RJ45 port for connecting the printer (printer port not active from R5.1). This portdoesn’t exist on UCV2L• an external music source (RJ45 socket)• a general bell• alarm inputs (4)• Ethernet network: Ethernet 10/100 BASE TX accesses (1 LAN RJ45 connector), allowing theconnection of IP/SIP terminals, SIP Trunk network, i2070, TWP applications in CTI mode (VTI-XML protocol), administration, etc.• the RUCV card of an expansion cabinet