2Getting StartedThis section describes phone behaviour andstart up screens you may see when the9133i phone is first plugged in, or when itis restarted.When You First Plug in YourPhoneThe 9133i automatically begins the start upsequence as soon as it is connected. Thephone goes through this process the firsttime you plug in your phone and every timeyou restart your phone. The first screen thephone displays is the Aastra splash screen.Updating Your PhoneAfter displaying the Aastra splash screen,the 9133i checks settings and looks for newconfiguration and firmware updates for thephone from the server. If a new update isfound, the phone displays the message<Updating Config> or <NewFirmware>. This may take a fewmoments while the phone downloads thelatest updates.NOTE: New updates to your phone can beautomatically scheduled from the server.This is set up on the phone system by yoursystem administrator and should bescheduled during non-business hours orslow call periods.Important! Do not unplug or removepower to the phone while it is checkingor installing firmware.Start up ScreensAfter the phone displays the Aastrasplash screen or after downloading anupdate, the phone displays the IdleState screen:The basic Idle State screen lists yourname, extension, and today's date andtime. This screen is shown wheneveryour phone is not in use.Incomplete Config.If your phone displays a <NoService> message without anyextension or user name at the end of thestart up sequence instead of the IdleState screen, this means your systemadministrator has not set up yourextension correctly. Contact yoursystem administrator for assistance.No ServiceThe <No Service> or <NetworkDisconnected> prompt appears on thedisplay and the telephone status light turnson when the phone is not properlyconnected to the network, or the accounthas not been configured by theadministrator. The phone also displays thedefault time and date of 12:00am Jan 1st,2000. Check that the cables are tightlyconnected to the phone and to the wall jack.The phone should automatically detectwhen the connection is reconnected andwill display the <NetworkConnected> prompt temporarily. Ifchanges have been made to your phonesettings, you may need to restart yourphone. See the following section “SettingYour Options” for instructions on how torestart your phone.Getting Started