MMChapter 4, ACD Features58 Aastra – 2539-002OverflowThe Overflow feature sends all incoming ACD calls to additional agents in an overflowagent group, when the queue limits are reached. The system automatically activates thisfeature and automatically cancels it when the agents in the primary agent group are ableto answer calls within queuing limits.The Manual Overflow feature allows you to manually force all queued ACD calls to theoverflow agent group. You can activate and cancel the feature any time that it isnecessary.Activate Overflow ManuallyStep Action Result1. Press Overflow lamp ONCancel OverflowStep Action Result1. Press Overflow lamp OFFRerouteThe reroute feature allows you to specify a specific alternate destination for the next timethis person calls in. The alternate destination can be a directory number, an ACDpilot/call type, a particular ACD agent, an external local number, or external toll number.Use RerouteCondition:You are on an active callStep Action Result1. Press Reroute lamp ON1 Beep