BluStar 8000i Hardware Features11 41-001389-00 Rev 02 – 04.2012Keypad KeysThe BluStar 8000i has a keypad with digits from 0 through 9, a “*” key, and a “#” key. Keys 2 through 9 contain the letters ofthe alphabet. The keypad includes the following:Keypad Key Description0 Dials 0Dials the Operator on a registered phone1 Dials 12 ABC Dials 2When entering text, this key enters A with one press, B with two presses, and C with three presses3 DEF Dials 3When entering text, this key enters D with one press, E with two presses, and F with three presses4 GHI Dials 4When entering text, this key enters G with one press, H with two presses, and I with three presses5 JKL Dials 5When entering text, this key enters J with one press, K with two presses, and L with three presses6 MNO Dials 6When entering text, this key enters M with one press, N with two presses, and O with three presses7 P QRS Dials 7When entering text, this key enters P with one press, Q with two presses, R with three presses, and S with fourpresses8 TUV Dials 8When entering text, this key enters T with one press, U with two presses, and V with three presses9 WXYZ Dials 9When entering text, this key enters W with one press, X with two presses, Y with three presses, and Z with fourpresses