6/1553-DBC 434 01 Uen B3 2010-01-26 84O THER U SEFUL F EATURESaccess if the extension is busy. Up to seven callers can be connected tothe alarm extension at the same time.An alarm extension cannot be assigned to an IP phone, but it is possibleto call an alarm extension from an IP phone.12.4 Direct In-dialingDirect In-dialing is a feature that enables direct routing of incomingexternal calls to predefined extensions or groups. Usually, the exchangehas a direct in-dialing feature, enabling external subscribers to call youdirectly without having to go through the operator.Note: A call that is not serviced by a predefined extension can bererouted to an operator or an alternate answering position.12.5 Emergency StateIn case of emergency, the operator is authorized to put the exchangeinto an emergency state. In such a situation, the exchange propertiesand rules as configured for emergency state prevail.In emergency state, only extensions with the appropriate category will bepermitted to initiate calls. If you have not been assigned this categoryand try to make a call, you will not receive a dial tone.12.6 General DeactivationGeneral deactivation enables you to cancel a number of features in onesingle command. The following features are canceled with the generaldeactivation feature:• Callback. All callbacks are cancelled.• Follow-me and External follow-me• Manual Message Waiting• Flexible night serviceTo request a general deactivation, do the following:1) Lift the handset and wait for a dial tone.2) Dial #001#.3) Replace the handset.