Configuring the Aastra 673xi / 675xi31Please refer to the separate user guides for a detailed description of functions foreach model of the Aastra 673xi / 675xi (see page 8 also).NoteYou should preferably use the Web Configurator of the OpenCom 1000communications system for configuring the telephone as the functionality isoptimally coordinated. The “Directory List” function of the Aastra 673xi / 675xiWeb Configurator requires technical skill to configure and a correspondinginternet service. Instead, configure the “Ph.Book” function in the OCW, in order tobe able to use the XML key phone book function of the OpenCom 1000communications system.Function Keys ReferenceDepending on the device type there are various types available and a varyingnumber of function keys available (please refer to Models of the Aastra 673xi /675xi product family starting on page 1).NoteBy activating up to four levels, the assignment capacities of each softkey aremultiplied on the Aastra 6755i and on the Aastra 6757i.With the OCW as a user of the OpenCom 1000 communications system you canconfigure and change the following function keys for your Aastra 673xi / 675xi.Function keys for Aastra 6730i / 6731i and Aastra 6753i / 6755i / 6757iKey type Parameter Functionempty – noneline Line Trunk key; seizes the correspondingline; there have to be one ormultiple SIP user accountsconfigured for the Aastra 673xi /675xi; LED indicator shows whenline is busyspeed dial Call number and line Direct dials a call number viadesired linedo not disturb – Switches call protection on or off;LED indicator indicates activefunction