Using the display and operating elementseud-1279/1.1 – R2.0 – 02.2012 19InputDigit keysYou can use the digit keys for entering digits and passwords and for Quickdial. Thecharacters are assigned to the digit keys as follows. Press the relevant digit key repeat-edly until the character you want is displayed.Enters digitsThe digit keys are used to enter the digits 0 to 9.Enter the lettersYou can also use the digit keys to enter letters and special characters. A number of let-ters and special characters are assigned to each key.To enter letters using the digit keys, you need to be in text mode. The text mode isactivated automatically if the phone is expecting a text input. You can switch backand forth between number mode and letter mode during your input.Note:Only capital letters for Aastra 5360.- . ? 1 ! , : ; ’ " ¿ ¡ A B C 2 Ä Æ Å Ça b c 2 ä æ å à çD E F 3 Éd e f 3 é è êG H I 4g h i 4 ìJ K L 5j k l 5M N O 6 Ñ Ö Øm n o 6 ñ ö ø òP Q R S 7p q r s 7 ßT U V 8 Üt u v 8 ü ùW X Y Z 9w x y z 9 + 0@ * / ( ) < = > % £ $ € ¥ ª & § #