Model 480i Broadsoft User Guide 6Using the 480i PhoneMultiple Line and CallAppearancesThe 480i has 4 hard line/callappearance buttons each with acorresponding status light.Additional line/call appearancesmay also have been set up onyour phone as softkeys. To learnmore about this, please refer tothe "Softkeys as Line/CallAppearances" section withinthis guide.These line/call appearance buttonsand lights can represent physicallines or calls for your extension.A line that a line/call appearancerepresents may have been set upas either a private line or a sharedline. A private line is a line that isused by only one phone. A sharedline is a line that is shared bymore than one phone.The phone uses differencecoloured line/call appearance lightsto indicate whether a call isringing locally at your phone, orremotely on another phone sharingthe line with you. If the call isringing locally at your phone, theline/call appearance light uses thecolour green. If the call is ringingat a remote phone on a line thatis shared, the line/call appearancelight uses the colour red. If youanswer a remote call from yourphone, future calls to that line willring locally at your phone ratherthan at the remote phone.Line/Call Appearance LightsBy pressing a line/call appearancebutton, you connect to the line ora call it represents. The line/callappearance light indicates the statusof that line or call. When the phoneis taken off-hook, the phone willautomatically select a line for you.When you have more than onecall, you can use the left and rightnavigation buttons (3 and 4) toscroll left and right to the differentcall information. Icons 3 and 4will appear if there is call informa-tion either left, right or bothsides of the current informationyou are viewing.XferConfL1 L2 L3 L4IcomServicesGreenLightLocal callactivity for aprivate or sharedline/call appear-ance ringing atyour phone.RedLightRemote callactivity for ashared line/call appearanceringing at aremote phone.Line/CallAppearanceBehaviourLine/CallAppearanceStatusOff Idle line or nocall activityLight flashesquicklyRingingLight flashesslowlyHold