4 Model 480 User GuideInstallation InstallationYour Model 480 telephone can beinstalled on a desk or mounted onthe wall. To use the phone’s CallWaiting and Caller Identificationcapabilities, contact your localService Provider for subscriptiondetails. Your Service Provider maycall these services by differentnames.1. Connect the handset cordTurn the telephone over and locatethe handset jack marked j .Insert one end of handset cord intothe jack until it clicks into place.Then route the handset cordthrough the groove as shown in theillustration below.Attach the handset to the other endof the handset cord.2. Attach the standIf you plan to mount the phone onthe wall, you do not need to attachthe stand; skip this step. If you planto use the phone on a desk, attachthe stand by inserting the tabs onthe stand (marked with oooo ) into theslots on the bottom of the telephone(A). For a higher viewing angle, usethe slots marked n. For a lowerviewing angle, use the slots markedm. Then slide the stand towardsthe phone until it snaps into place(B).3. Connect the cordsIf you attached the stand to installthe phone on a desk, route both thephone cord and power adapter cordthrough the opening in the stand.Insert the phone cord into the sloton the back of the telephone markedl until it clicks into place. Insertthe power cord into the power jackmarked k.4. Press the cords into groovesPress the cords into two of thegrooves provided on the bottom ofthe stand. This will allow the standto sit flat on a desk surface.5. Install the phoneIf you have installed the stand andare using the phone on a desk:Simply turn the telephone over so itrests on the stand. Connect thephone cord to a phone jack and plugthe power adapter into a poweroutlet.Note: You should connect thepower adaptor to a surge pro-tector or power bar.34Power AdaptorPhone cordStand Line groovesAB12Handset cordHandsetHandset groove