Configuration159Aastra 470 as of R1.2syd-0337/1.2 – R1.2 – 11.20115. 3. 5 Automatic exit from the configurationAccess to the system configuration will be interrupted if during the set disconnecttime (AMS Shell menu: View / Options under Online Connection) you do not makeany changes to a parameter value or do not make use of the navigation system.5. 3. 6 Access logAn access log is drawn up for each user account so that the history of accesses tothe configuration can be tracked. Denied access attempts using erroneous or incor-rectly type passwords are also logged.The logs can be read by any user.Retrieving the log dataThe system monitors all the accesses and failed access attempts and saves them inthe file system of the communication server. These lists can be retrieved locally orremotely.CLIP verificationIf the setting CLIP required is set to Yes in the configuration, remote retrieval is possi-ble only if the retrieving party logs in using a CLIP. The CLIP number is also recordedby the access log.Entering the processes in the logEach access attempt generates an entry in the corresponding list.In the case of a remote maintenance access an entry will not be generated if re-mote maintenance is barred or if CLIP required is set to Yes in the configuration andno CLIP is received.5. 4 Enabling remote accessWith remote access the user is authenticated using his user name and password.The user account must also be assigned an authorization profile in which the inter-face access Remote maintenance via dial-up access is enabled.