106. THE AIR SYSTEMFlue Outlet/Hot Plate only for SfThe flue outlet is packed together with the firebrick lining and multi-purpose tool, inside the appliance. The hotplate comes fitted on the top of the fire.To fit flue outlet:• Select the desired position (top or rear outlet)• Smear a very thin layer of suitable sealant or fine adhesive fire cement around the edge of the flue cut-out inthe appliance• Fit outlet and lock into place by rotating anti-clockwise• Similarly fit the hot plate to the unused position• Clean off surplus sealantAir Inlet ControlsStratford Multifuel Sf & Si fires have two air inlets.1. The air wash system (so called because its pre-heated high speed air washes across the inner face of the doorglass, keeping it clear), which provides over draught, and2. The primary air inlet providing under draught to the base of the fire chamber.Primary AirOn all Multifuel units primary air enters the appliance through the gap between the body and the ash pit door.The width of the gap is controlled by rotating the knob (if hot, with the operating tool) anti-clockwise to increasethe air inlet, clockwise to reduce the air inlet, or to seal the ash door completely.On units fitted with a thermostat, partial opening of the ash door will over-ride and negate the thermostaticcontrol.Note: Opening or part opening of the ash door is controlled by the "interlock" device located in the front ofthe unit (refer to INTERLOCK section on page 9)ThermostatsStratford Sf Integral Boiler units have a thermostatically controlled rear air inlet. The damper plate at the backof the appliance regulates the amount of under draught entering, depending on the setting of the thermostatcontrol knob (located at the bottom rear of the right hand side of the unit) and the temperature of the watertransmitted through the sensor phial in the water jacket.Stratford Si units have a thermostatically controlled side air inlet. The damper plate at the side of the applianceregulates the amount of under draught entering, depending on the setting of the thermostat control knob (locatedat the top of the left hand side of the unit) and the temperature of the water/air transmitted through the sensorphial in the water/air jacket.Stratford Sf & Si: with the ash door fully shut, the settings range from 0 (fully anti-clockwise) a shut-off settingat which the damper will shut off the under draught completely, causing the fire to die down and in time go out,to 8 (fully clockwise) the highest setting at which the appliance will burn fiercely and produce very high outputs.Note: The area around the thermostat, both inside at the back of the firebox and externally, must be clearedof ash and other debris regularly.For setting instructions refer to "Checking Thermostat" in the installation instructions.On units fitted with a thermostat, partial opening of the ash door will over-ride and negate the thermostaticcontrol.Air WashThe air wash has an internal sliding plate with slots, housed in a cover plate, and is located above the fire door.Sliding the control shaft to the right as far as will go achieves the fully open position. Sliding it the left will shutoff the air inlet slots. The operating tool should be used to tap the control shaft to the desire setting. Even whenall the slots are completely shut a "bleed" of secondary air will be maintained ensuring that inflammable gasesare burnt off.