FLUE SYSTEMThe stove must be connected to a suitable andefficient flue that provides a good updraught tosafely take the products of combustion (fumes)from the stove outlet to the outside air. To ensure agood updraught it is important that the flue gasesare kept warm and that the flue size suits the stove.The termination of the outlet at the top of the fluealso needs to comply with the BuildingRegulations. The minimum effective height of thechimney must be at least 3 metres and when warmthe flue draught should be between 0.05 and 6mb(0.5mm to 6mm water gauge).The stove requires a minimum flue size of 125mm(5 inches). The stove can be fitted to asound conventional solid fuel burning chimneysystem (Class 1) provided it is swept.If the chimney is not sound or the chimney has aninternal flue size greater than 225mm (9 inches)diameter or 200 x 200mm square, a 125mm (5inches) diameter stainless steel flexible flue linercomplying with BS 715 should be installed in theflue.If a new chimney is being provided it should fullycomply with the relevant Building RegulationRequirements and BS 5440: Part 1. Suitable typesof chimney include the following.• Masonry chimney built with clay or concrete lin-ers, or a chimney block system meeting BuildingRegulations.• Precast concrete gas flue block complying withBS 1289: Part 1Factory made metal chimney complying with BS715 (often called "Twin wall Class 2 chimney") orFactory made metal insulated chimney comply-ing with BS 4543: Part 2 (often called "Class 1 pre-fabricated metal chimney"). To ensure the fluegases are kept warm an insulated chimney systemshould be used if the chimney is positioned outsidethe building.The flue must be terminated with a suitablechimney pot or cowl and the chimney or flue shallbe swept prior to installation unless the chimney isclean and unobstructed.The flue and chimney installation must becarefully checked by a competent person beforefitting the stove to ensure it is suitable and willwork safely. The flue must also pass a Flue flowtest (smoke test) to BS 5440: Part 1.For advice on flues and chimneys contact;NACE (National Association of ChimneyEngineer): telephone 0800 0924019www.nace.org.ukorNACS (National Association of ChimneySweeps): telephone 01785 811732www.chimneyworks.co.uk10 Aarrow Sherborne GSL CFINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS