LifeSource Health Line (toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-12aBoUT Blood PressUreassessing High Blood pressure for adultsThe following standards for assessing high blood pressure (withoutregard to age or gender) have been established as a guideline. Pleasenote that other risk factors (e.g. diabetes, obesity, smoking, etc.) needto be taken into consideration and may affect these figures. Consultwith your physician for an accurate assessment.JnC7 Classification table – for adults within the U.S.Bp Classification Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg)Normal less than 120 and less than 80Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 or 90-99Stage 2 Hypertension greater thanor equal to 160 or greater thanor equal to 100SoUrCE: The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Evaluationand Treatment of High Blood Pressure for Adults. National Heart, Lung and BloodInstitute - May 2003.WHo Classification table – for adults outside of the U.S. (e.g.Canada, mexico)Bp Classification Systolic (mmHg) Diastolic (mmHg)Optimal less than 120 and less than 80Normal less than 130 or less than 85High-Normal 130-139 or 85-89Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 or 90-99Stage 2 Hypertension 160-179 or 100-109Stage 3 Hypertension greater thanor equal to 180 or greater thanor equal to 110SoUrCE: Standards to assess high blood pressure, without regard to age or gender,have been established by the World Health Organization (WHO).UA-631V Manual_English.indd 12 8/5/09 8:08:41 PM