Page 22 HV/HW-CEP Series9. Counting ModeThe counting mode is the function to convert the total mass value (total weight) ofarticles to a count, when each article has the same mass value.To use this function, store a unit mass in advance.Even if the batteries are removed, the unit mass is maintained in non-volatilememory.9.1. Storing a Unit MassStep 1 Press the MODE key to display the unit .Step 2 Press the SET and ENTER key to enter the modethat stores a unit mass.Step 3 Press the SET key to select the number of samples.The greater the quantity of samples, the greater theaccuracy of the count.5 pieces, 10 pieces, 20 pieces, 50 pieces,100 piecesStep 4 Place the container on the pan.Press the TARE key.Step 5 Place the number of samples selected at step 3.Wait for the stability mark to be displayed. Press theENTER key to store. The count is displayed.CautionWhen the sample total mass value is too small andit is not possible to calculate a unit mass, the scaledisplays lo ut and returns to step 3. Increase thenumber of samples. More than 10 digits of the totalsample mass, in the unit of kg, are required.When the unit mass is too light to store, the scaledisplays lo ut . In this case, the unit mass will not bestored even if the number of samples is increased.Pressing the MODE key, after lo ut is displayed,displays the next unit.Step 6 Remove the samples and the container from the pan.Counting modeSTABLESTABLESTABLEZeroing valueCountPanA container(bowl)NoteThe pan shape dependson the scale model.Number of samplesSTABLE