GX-A Series/GF-A Series Communication Manual 4 / 41Connector: D-Sub9-pin(male)Method of transmission: EIA RS-232CFormat of transmission: Asynchronous, two-way, half-duplex transmissionData transmission rate: 5 times per second(ca. 5.21Hz), 10times per second(ca. 10.42Hz)、20 times per second(ca. 20.83Hz)Linked with the setting value of the internal setting’s display rewrite cycleSignal format Baud rate 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bpsData bits 7 or 8 bitsParity EVEN、ODD (Data length 7 bits)NONE (Data length 8 bits)Stop bits 1 bitCode ASCIIFormat of 1 characterD-Sub9, pin arrangementPin No. SignalnameDirection Meaning, remarks1 - - N.C. (same potentialwith SG)2 RXD Output Transmitted data3 TXD Input Received data4 - - N.C.5 SG - Signal ground6 DSR Output Data Set Ready7 RTS Input Request to Send8 CTS Output Clear to Send9 - Output N.C. (12V Output)Connection diagram(when connecting to a PC)2. Interface specifications2-1. RS-232C0 1 2LSB3 54 6 PMSBSpStStart bit Data bitsParity bitStop bit0 +5V ~ +15V1 -5V ~ -15VBalance(DCE)RXDTXDRTSCTSDSRSGPC(DTE)RXDTXDRTSCTSDSRSGInch screw #4-40UNC123456789