Chapter 3 Award BIOS Setup 51Bank InterleaveSelect 2 Bank or 4-Bank interleave for 64-Mb SDRAM. If 16-MbSDRAM is installed, leave Disabled.The choices: 2 Bank, 4 Bank, Disabled.Memory HoleIn order to improve performance, certain space in memory isreserved for ISA cards. This memory must be mapped into thememory.The choices: 15M-16 M, Disabled.P2C/C2P ConcurrencyThis item allows yo to enable/disable the PCI to CPU, CPU to PCIconcurrency.The choices: Enabled, Disabled.System BIOS CacheableSelecting Enabled allows caching of the system BIOS ROM atF0000h-FFFFFh, resulting in better system performance. However, ifany program writes to this memory area, a system error may result.The choices: Enabled, Disabled.Video RAM CacheableSelecting Enabled allows caching of the video memory (RAM) atA0000h to AFFFFh, resulting in better video performance. However,if any program writes to this memory area, a memory access errormay result.The choices: Enabled, Disabled.