12The example on Page 11 shows a typical two event program. Please note the interval periodbetween the finish time of the first event (10:00) and the start of the second event (16:00) whichadds up to a 6 hour interval.If setting intervals shorter than 6 hours only a limited drop in cooker temperature will beobserved, thereby reflecting the AGA heat storage capabilities. In these circumstances energysavings will be small and in some instances of cooking preferences, it is favourable to alter theprogram to a single event setting.BoostIf cooking is required when the AGA is in the AIMS program i.e. ‘Low’ or ‘Slumber’, you shouldboost the cooking temperature by pressing the button. Boost overrides the next set programand brings the appliance up to Normal temperature. The time taken to reach Normal temperaturewill be dependent on the oven temperature at the time of the boost operation, and could be anumber of hours.IMPORTANT: PLEASE READThe AIMS program has to learn!To achieve your desired cooking program the AIMS will guess the first heat-up time on all newlyprogrammed events, this in most cases results in the cooker coming up to temperature late atits first attempt. The AIMS will then use this information to calibrate subsequent heat-up timesand correct itself. Any changes to events or normal cooking temperature will go through thecalibration procedure. Spasmodic changes to these settings on a daily basis will confuse theAIMS calibration resulting in failed heat-up times.AIMS POINTS TO REMEMBER1. An AGA contains a large thermal mass of cast iron, consequently the appliance will retain itsheat and there will be a long period of time before there is any noticeable drop in temperature.For example, between morning and evening events it is unlikely that an AGA will fall as lowas the ‘Slumber’ temperature.Between these two events selecting the ‘Low’ settings is best.2. ‘OFF’ settings are intended for long periods such as holidays etc. It is not practical to select‘OFF’ between daily timed programmes.3. There is little advantage in setting two timed events closer than say 6 hours, and it is betterto set a single ‘Normal’ timed event for the full period.4. Always set the ‘Normal’ period to match demand, If you are intending to cook for 2 hours, thetimed programme must be for a minimum of 2 hours.5. The AIMS controls learns based on the previous heating cycles. If programmes are constantlychanged, it is likely that AIMS will not achieve temperature at the desired times.6. Continually turning the temperature control knob up and down on the control plate will alsocause AIMS not to follow the programme.7. When cooking outside the AIMS normal period, always operate the Boost button or switch theAIMS control knob to MANUAL . This will avoid confusing the AIMS heat up timings.