23CONSOlE OpERATIONNote: There is a thin protective sheet of clear plastic on the overlay of the console that should be removed before use.A) lEd dISplAy WINdOWS: time, distance, date and clock.b) AlpHANUMERIC dISplAy WINdOW: displays watts, calories, rpm, heart rate, speed and PROFILE™ display information.C) WORkOUT pROfIlE dISplAy: displays workout level and progress.d) pROfIlE™ bUTTON: used to scroll through PROFILE™ display modes. User must be selected before pressing.E) CHANGE dISplAy bUTTON: used to scroll through display modes. Press to change display feedback during workout.f) IpOd® CONTROlS: press to adjust your attached iPod® audio settings.G) START: press to begin exercising, start your workout or resume exercising after pause.H) STOp: press to pause/end your workout. Hold for 3 seconds to reset the console.I) IpOd®/ pROGRAMMING bUTTON: used to select program, level and time, and other options.Used to control iPod® (during workout only).j) INClINE kEyS: press to adjust incline in 5% increments.k) RESISTANCE + / – kEyS: press to adjust resistance.l) QUICk AdjUST kEypAd: used to reach desired resistance or incline more quickly.M) SET INClINE kEy: used to change incline to level entered into keypad.N) SET lEVEl kEy: used to change resistance to level entered into keypad.O) AUdIO IN: plug your cd / mp3 player into the console using the included audio adaptor cable.p) AUdIO OUT/HEAdpHONE jACk: plug your headphones into this jack to listen to your music through the headphones.Q) IpOd® dOCkING STATION: used to dock and charge your iPod® (not included).R) SpEAkERS: music plays through speakers when your cd/mp3 player is connected to the console.S) USb pORT: used for software updates.