AC/DC Current Probe Models MR461 and MR561 9CHAPTER 3SPECIFICATIONS3.1 Reference Conditions18° to 28°C, 20 to 75% RH, external magnetic field < 40 A/m, no externalcurrent carrying conductor, test sample centered, 1MΩ ≤100pF load, zeroadjustment prior to measurement (DC only) DC to 65Hz. Battery voltage9V ±0.1V.3.2 MR461 Specifications3.2.1 ELECTRICALMeasurement Range:60A Range:0.2 to 40AAC (60A Peak); 0.4 to 60ADC600A Range:0.5 to 400AAC (600A Peak); 0.5 to 600ADCOutput Signal:10mV/A on 60A range; 1mV/A on 600A rangeAccuracy:60A Range:0.5 to 40A: 1.5% reading +0.5A; 40 to 60ADC only: 1.5% reading600A Range:0.5 to 100A: 1.5% reading ±1A; 100 to 400A: 2.0% reading400 to 600DC only: 2.5% readingPhase Shift:60A Range:45 to 65Hz, 10 to 20A: ≤ 3.5°; 20 to 40A: ≤ 3°600A Range:45 to 65Hz, 10 to 100A: ≤ 3°; 100 to 400A: ≤ 2.5°Overload: 1500ADC and 1000AAC continuous up to 1kHzwww.ShopAEMC.caShop for AEMC products online at: 1.800.561.8187