Do not move the glass shelfabove the vegetable drawerto ensure correct aircirculation.4.4 DYNAMICAIRThe refrigerator compartment isequipped with a device that allows rapidcooling of food and keeps a moreuniform temperature in thecompartment.This device activates automatically whenneeded, for example for a quicktemperature recovery after door openingor when the ambient temperature ishigh.It is possible to switch on thedevice manually whenneeded (refer to"DYNAMICAIR function").The DYNAMICAIR devicestops when the door is openand restarts immediatelyafter the door closing.4.5 Carbon Air FilterYour appliance is equipped with acarbon filter CLEANAIR CONTROL in adrawer in the DYNAMICAIR device.The filter purifies the air from unwantedodours in the fridge compartmentmeaning that the storage quality will befurther improved.CAUTION!During the operation, alwayskeep the air ventilationdrawer closed.5. HINTS AND TIPS5.1 Normal operating soundsThe following sounds are normal duringoperation:• A faint gurgling and bubbling soundfrom coils sound when refrigerant ispumped.• A whirring and pulsating sound fromthe compressor when refrigerant ispumped.• A sudden cracking noise from insideappliance caused by thermicdilatation (a natural and notdangerous physical phenomenon).• A faint click noise from thetemperature regulator when thecompressor switches on or off.5.2 Hints for energy saving• Do not open the door frequently orleave it open longer than absolutelynecessary.• If the ambient temperature is highand the Temperature Regulator is setto low temperature and the applianceis fully loaded, the compressor mayrun continuously, causing frost or iceon the evaporator. If this happens, setthe Temperature Regulator towardwarmer settings to allow automaticENGLISH 9