21DGRNLFGBGB 3. Close the lid and (A) insert themeasuring cup in the filler hole and(B) lock into position. (You can usethe measuring cup to add ingredi-ents while the blender is running.Close the filler hole immediatelyafter, to avoid splashing.)Caution! When processing hotliquids, see paragraph 4.2. Place the blender on a flat surfaceand lock the jug into position on themotor housing. When the arrow isaligned with the “Locked” indicator,the jug is locked in position. Put theingredients in the jug. (Do not exceedthe maximum level as indicated onthe jug.)1. Before using the blender for thefirst time, wash all parts except forthe motor housing. Assembling:place the rubber seal on the bladeassembly and (A) insert it holdingthe blender downwards. Turn theblade assembly clockwise (B) to fas-ten. Caution! The blades are verysharp!5. Start the blender by pressing theon/off button. Start at low speed,then progress to a higher speedif required. To increase the speedpress the + button, press the − but-ton to decrease it. To use the PULSEfunction, press the PULSE button.6. Ice crushing: press the PULSE but-ton for 3-5 seconds several timesuntil you obtain a satisfactory re-sult. You can add more ice throughthe filler hole while the blender isrunning.4. Processing hot liquids: allow hotliquids to cool down until lukewarmbefore filling the jug. Fill the jugonly half full and start processingon low speed. The blender jug canbecome very warm – take care toprotect your hands and to ventilatesteam out through the filler hole.Always replace the lid before use.Getting startedAABA B