21Use12311109876541. Fast freezing compartment.2. Food calender.3. Frozen and deep-frozen products.4. Thermostat, ambient temperature switch, light.5. Butter.6. Cooked foods, cold meats, foods used everyday.For best use of the space, the front shelves canbe folded back onto the rear shelves.7. Meat, fish.8. Tubes of sauce.9. Fruit and vegetables.10. Bottles.11. Air regulator.Starting upAfter cleaning the appliance, connect up to themains and set the temperature as follows:Setting the temperatureThe temperature inside the refrigerator andfreezer is regulated by a single thermostat with 6operating positions and one «stop» (O) position.Position 1 = minimum coldPosition 6 = maximum coldTurn the thermostat dial to the required position;the intermediate position is usually the mostsuitable.The thermostat setting can vary as the tempera-ture inside the refrigeration compartmentdepends on the following factors:– room temperature– how often the door is opened– how much food is stored– position of the appliance.ImportantIf the fridge is not defrosting correctly, it ispossible that because a very low temperature hasbeen selected, the motor is working continuously,which prevents the defrost cycle from operating.To ensure correct defrosting, a lower numbershould be selected on the thermostat and youshould notice that the motor cuts out from time to