Problem Possible cause SolutionThe FROSTMATIC functionis switched on.Refer to "FROSTMATIC func-tion".The compressor does notstart immediately afterpressing the FROSTMATIC,or after changing the tem-perature.This is normal, no error hasoccurred.The compressor starts after aperiod of time.Water flows inside the refrig-erator.The water outlet is clog-ged.Clean the water outlet.Food products preventthat water flows into thewater collector.Make sure that food productsdo not touch the rear plate.Water flows on the floor. The melting water outlet isnot connected to theevaporative tray above thecompressor.Attach the melting water out-let to the evaporative tray.Temperature cannot be set. The FROSTMATIC orCOOLMATIC function isswitched on.Switch off FROSTMATIC orCOOLMATIC manually, or waituntil the function resets auto-matically to set the tempera-ture. Refer to "FROSTMATICor COOLMATIC function".Door is misaligned or inter-feres with ventilation grill.The appliance is not level-led.Refer to "Levelling".The temperature in the ap-pliance is too low/too high.The temperature regulatoris not set correctly.Set a higher/lower tempera-ture.The door is not closed cor-rectly.Refer to "Closing the door".The food products' tem-perature is too high.Let the food products temper-ature decrease to room tem-perature before storage.Many food products arestored at the same time.Store less food products at thesame time.The door has beenopened often.Open the door only if necessa-ry.The FROSTMATIC functionis switched on.Refer to "FROSTMATIC func-tion".There is no cold air circula-tion in the appliance.Make sure that there is cold aircirculation in the