13ENGLISH(If you want to change the clock to24 H, press the START/QUICK buttonagain.)3. Press the STOP button.4. The display will show: Econ.5. Close the door.6. The oven will count down from 3:00 tozero.7. When zero is reached, the oven goesinto Econ mode and the display goesblank.4.5 Using the STOP buttonUse the STOP button to:1. Erase a mistake during programming.2. Stop the oven temporarily duringcooking, press once.3. Cancel a programme during cooking,press twice.4.6 Child safety lockThe oven has a safety feature whichprevents the accidental running of theoven by a child. When the lock has beenset, no part of the microwave will operateuntil the lock feature has been cancelled.Example: To set the child safety lock.1. Press and hold the STOP button for 5seconds.2. The oven will beep twice and ‘LOC’ willbe displayed:To cancel the child safety lock, pressand hold the STOP button for 5seconds, the oven will beep twiceand the time of day will be displayed.Child safety lock cannot be set if theclock is not set.