Small indentation at the topincrease safety. Theindentations are also anti-tipdevices. The high rimaround the shelf preventscookware from slipping ofthe shelf.10. ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS10.1 Automatic Switch-offFor safety reasons the appliance turns offautomatically after some time if a heatingfunction operates and you do notchange any settings.Temperature (°C) Switch-off time (h)30 - 115 12.5120 - 195 8.5200 - 230 5.5The Automatic switch-offdoes not work with thefunctions: Light, Duration,End Time.10.2 Cooling fanWhen the oven operates, the cooling fanturns on automatically to keep thesurfaces of the oven cool. If you turn offthe oven, the cooling fan can continue tooperate until the oven cools down.11. HINTS AND TIPSWARNING!Refer to Safety chapters.The temperature and bakingtimes in the tables areguidelines only. Theydepend on the recipes andthe quality and quantity ofthe ingredients used.11.1 Advice for special heatingfunctions of the ovenKeep WarmThe function allows you to keep foodwarm. The temperature is setautomatically to 80 °C.Plate WarmingThe function allows you to warm platesand dishes before serving. Thetemperature is set automatically to 70 °C.Place plates and dishes in stacks evenlyon the wire shelf. Use the first shelfposition. After half of the warming timeswitch their places.Dough ProvingThe function allows you to rise yeastdough. Put the dough into a big dish andcover it with a wet towel or plastic foil.Set function: Dough Proving and thecooking time.11.2 Baking• Use the lower temperature the firsttime.• You can extend baking times by 10 –15 minutes if you bake cakes on morethan one shelf position.• Cakes and pastries at differentheights do not always brown equally.There is no need to change thetemperature setting if an unequalbrowning occurs. The differencesequalize during