9.5 Baking and roasting tableCakesFood Top / Bottom Heat True Fan Cooking Time (min) CommentsTempera-ture (°C)Shelf posi-tionTempera-ture (°C)Shelf posi-tionWhiskedrecipes170 2 160 3 (2 and 4) 45 - 60 In a cakemouldShortbreaddough170 2 160 3 (2 and 4) 20 - 30 In a cakemouldButtermilkcheese-cake170 1 165 2 80 - 100 In a 26 cmcakemouldApple cake(Applepie)1)170 2 160 2 (left andright)80 - 100 In two 20cm cakemoulds ona wire shelfStrudel 175 3 150 2 60 - 80 In a bakingtrayJam-tart 170 2 165 2 (left andright)30 - 40 In a 26 cmcakemouldSpongecake170 2 150 2 40 - 50 In a 26 cmcakemouldChristmascake / Richfruit cake1)160 2 150 2 90 - 120 In a 20 cmcakemouldPlumcake1)175 1 160 2 50 - 60 In a breadtinSmallcakes - onelevel1)170 3 150 - 160 3 20 - 30 In a bakingtraySmallcakes - twolevels1)- - 140 - 150 2 and 4 25 - 35 In a bakingtraySmallcakes -three lev-els1)- - 140 - 150 1, 3 and 5 30 - 45 In a bakingtraywww.aeg.com14