6.7 COUNT UP TIMERTo reset the Count Up Timer, press andhold and . The timer starts to countup again.7. USING THE ACCESSORIESWARNING!Refer to Safety chapters.7.1 Inserting the accessoriesWire shelf:Push the shelf between the guide bars ofthe shelf support and make sure that thefeet point down.Deep pan:Push the deep pan between the guidebars of the shelf support.Wire shelf and the deep pan together:Push the deep pan between the guidebars of the shelf support and the wireshelf on the guide bars above and makesure that the feet point down.Small indentation at the topincrease safety. Theindentations are also anti-tipdevices. The high rimaround the shelf preventscookware from slipping ofthe shelf.7.2 Trivet and Grill- / RoastingpanWARNING!Be careful when you removethe accessories from a hotappliance. There is a risk ofburns.You can use the trivet to roast largerpieces of meat or poultry on one shelfposition.1. Put the trivet into the deep pan sothat the supports of the wire shelfpoint up.ENGLISH 13