food to be frozen in the freezercompartment.The maximum amount of food that canbe frozen in 24 hours is specified on therating plate, a label located on theinside of the appliance.The freezing process lasts 24 hours:during this period do not add other foodto be frozen.When the freezing process is completed,return to the required temperature (see"FROSTMATIC Function").5.2 Storage of frozen foodWhen first starting-up or after a periodout of use, before putting the productsin the compartment let the appliance runat least 2 hours with the FROSTMATICfunction turned on.If large quantities of food are to bestored, remove all drawers fromappliance and place food on glass shelfto obtain the best performance.In the event of accidentaldefrosting, for example dueto a power failure, if thepower has been off forlonger that the value shownin the technical data chartunder "Rising time", thedefrosted food must beconsumed quickly or cookedimmediately and then re-frozen (after cooling).5.3 ThawingDeep-frozen or frozen food, prior tobeing used, can be thawed in therefrigerator compartment or at roomtemperature, depending on the timeavailable for this operation.Small pieces may even be cooked stillfrozen, directly from the freezer: in thiscase, cooking will take longer.5.4 Cold accumulatorsThe freezer contains at least one coldaccumulator which increases storagetime in the event of a power cut orbreakdown.6. HINTS AND TIPS6.1 Normal operating soundsThe following sounds are normal duringoperation:• A faint gurgling and bubbling soundfrom coils sound when refrigerant ispumped.• A whirring and pulsating sound fromthe compressor when refrigerant ispumped.• A sudden cracking noise from insideappliance caused by thermicdilatation (a natural and notdangerous physical phenomenon).• A faint click noise from thetemperature regulator when thecompressor switches on or off.6.2 Hints for energy saving• Do not open the door frequently orleave it open longer than absolutelynecessary.• If foreseen, do not remove the coldaccumulators from the freezer