761220010L2-5, Issue 361220010L2-5CAll existing latching loopbacks can also be disabledby pressing the TEST or LBK pushbutton on theU-BR1TE or remote unit, respectively.NOTEThe remote end test feature is only supportedwhen the upstream U-BR1TE is an ADTRAND4 or Series 5 U-BR1TE with DDS Loopbackcapability. Other U-BR1TEs will ignore theloopback command sent by pressing the IDSLOCU-R LBK button.5. CONTROL PORT OPERATIONThe IDSL OCU-R front panel DB-9 provides anRS-232 interface for connection to a controllingterminal. The pinout of the DB-9 is illustrated inFigure 8.NOTEWhen conducting a Terminal Session, alwaysselect VT100 mode prior to making the craftconnection.The terminal interface operates at data rates from1.2 kbps to 19.2 kbps. The asynchronous data formatis fixed at 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Thesupported terminal type is VT100 or compatible.NOTEIf using a personal computer (PC) with terminalemulation capability, disable all power savingprograms. Otherwise, communication betweenthe PC and the IDSL OCU-R unit can bedisrupted, resulting in misplaced characters orscreen timeouts.OperationThe T200 IDSL OCU-R is ready for synchronizationand operation upon insertion in an active shelf orhousing. Terminal sessions provide access to screenmenus for provisioning, monitoring, testing, orobtaining performance history. Terminal sessionscreen access is available at any time duringoperation. The screens shown in this practice identifythe main menu screens; subordinate screens are notdepicted. Abbreviations used in the screen diagramsare detailed in Table 8.Figure 7. IDSL/DDS Remote End Initiated Loopback, Customer Loop4-WireCPE InterfaceIDSLOCU-RPush twice for IDSL OCU-RLoopbackLocal LoopASC 9Eh U-BR1TE LoopbackPushbuttonTestSetASC 9Eh4-WireCPE InterfaceIDSLOCU-RPush once forU-BR1TE LoopbackLocal LoopASC 9Eh U-BR1TE LoopbackPushbuttonTestSetFigure 6. IDSL/DDS Remote End Initiated Loopback, Local LoopFigure 8. RS-232 (DB-9) Cable Side PinAssignments678912345TXD (Transmit Data)RXD (Receive Data)SGN (Signal Ground)