Quick StartFigure 1. 622v ONTDESCRIPTIONThe 622v XGS-PON ONT is a Single Family Unit (SFU) OpticalNetwork Terminal (ONT) that leverages XGS-PON technology fordelivering premium 10 Gbps Ethernet services.The 622v ONT is an indoor unit that supports up to 10 Gbps datarates and voice.This document supports the following versions of the 622v ONT:Figure 1 illustrates the front LED display.FEATURESThe basic features of the 622v ONT include the following:■ 10 Gbps XGS-PON SC/APC connector (WAN)■ Customer Interfaces♦ 10 Gbps Ethernet interface♦ 1 Gbps Ethernet InterfaceDescription P/N622v XGS-PON ONT with NA power adapter(included)1287843F1622v XGS-PON ONT with UK power adapter(included)1287843F2622v XGS-PON ONT with EU power adapter(included)1287843F3622v XGS-PON ONT with AUS/NZ poweradapter (included)1287843F4♦ Two POTS (RJ-11) Interfaces■ Remote activation and deactivation■ Remote firmware upgrades and downgrades■ Remote OMCI management as per ITU-T G.988Refer to the following table for a description of each feature inFigure 2.Figure 2. ONT InterfacesP OWERPower is provided by a 12 V DC Power Adapter that is includedwith the 622v ONT. The power adapter operates from a powerCallout Description1 LEDs2 10 Gbps XGS-PON SC/APC connector (WAN)3 Two POTS (Phone) Ports4 10 Gbps Ethernet interface5 1 Gbps Ethernet interface6 Reset Button7 Power Connection for the Supplied AC to DC Power Con-verter (12 V)8 On/Off ButtonON/OFFPowerRESET10GEGE10GE2 1GEOptical POTS2 POTS181 423567SDX622v XGS-PON ONT2 POTS/ 10GE/ 1GE SFUSeptember 202061287843F1-13B