Total Access 600 Series SHDSL IAD User Interface Guide/64200683L1-31BPage 43© 2002, ADTRAN, Inc. Total Access 600 Series User ManualMax ConfigThis value is the number of unanswered configuration-requests that should be transmitted before givingup on a call. The possible values are 5, 10 (def), 15 and 20.Max TimerThis value is the number of seconds to wait between unanswered configuration requests. The possiblevalues are 1 sec, 2 secs (def), 3 secs, 5 secs and 10 secs.Max FailureDue to the nature of PPP, configuration options may not be agreed upon between two PPP peers. Thisvalue is the number of configuration-naks that should occur before an option is configuration-rejected.This allows a connection to succeed that might otherwise fail. The possible values are 5 (def), 10, 15and 20.EncapsulationThis is the PPP encapsulation. (LLC or VC-Mux)FiltersThe Total Access 600 can block packets in and out of a WAN port by use of the filters. They are set upin two steps: 1) define the types of packets that would be of interest in the CONFIGURATION /GLOBAL /SECURITY/FILTER DEFINES menu, and 2) set up the filter type and combination of defines that will cause apacket block.WAN-TO-LAN (In)The packets which come into the Total Access 600 can be filtered in three ways:In ExceptionsThis is a list of up to 32 filter entries which can be combined using the operations field. The operationsare performed in the order they appear on the list.DISABLED (*%6 Turns off packet input filtering. No incoming packetsare blocked.BLOCK ALL All incoming packets from the WAN are blocked ex-cept as defined in the F ILTERS/I N E XCEPTIONS list.F ORWARD ALL All incoming packets from the WAN are not blockedexcept as defined in the FILTERS/I N EXCEPTIONS list.ACTIVE Turns this entry active when set to ONTYPE Selects the filter define list to reference:MAC from the CONFIGURATION/GLOBAL /SECURITY/FILTERD EFINES/MAC F ILTER DEFINES list.PATTERN from the CONFIGURATION/GLOBAL /SECURITY/FILTERD EFINES/PATTERN F ILTER DEFINES list.1 from the CONFIGURATION/GLOBAL /SECURITY/FILTERD EFINES/I P FILTER DEFINES list.1- from theCONFIGURATION/GLOBAL /SECURITY/F ILTERD EFINES/IPX F ILTER DEFINES list.