– 13 –(QWU\([LW'HOD\V &RQWLQXHG([LW$ODUPVWhenever you arm the system, the exit delay begins. If an entry/exit door or interiorzone is faulted when the exit delay ends (e.g., exit door left open), the system soundsan alarm and starts the entry delay timer. If you disarm the system before the entrydelay ends, the alarm sound stops and the message "CANCELED ALARM" or "CA" isdisplayed on the touchpad, along with a zone number indicating the faulted zone. Nomessage is sent to the Customer Care Center.To clear the exit alarm condition, the open zone must be made intact; to clear thedisplay, enter your code plus OFF.If you do not disarm the system before the entry delay ends, and an entry/exit door orinterior zone is still open, the alarm sound continues and an "exit alarm" message issent to the Customer Care Center. The message ""EXIT ALARM" or "EA" is displayedon the touchpad, along with a zone number indicating the faulted zone. To stop thealarm, the system must be disarmed (your code plus OFF); to clear the display, enteryour code plus OFF a second time.An “exit alarm” also results if an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted within twominutes after the end of the exit delay.Your system may have been programmed for this feature to minimize false alarms sent to the CustomerCare Center. Ask your installer if "Exit Alarm" is active in your system. If so, check this box.&KHFNLQJ)RU2SHQ=RQHV8VLQJWKH>∗@.H\WR'LVSOD\DQG$QQRXQFH6\VWHP6WDWXVBefore arming your system, all protected doors, windows and other protection zonesmust be closed or bypassed, otherwise the touchpad will display a "Not Ready" message.1. Press [∗] READY (do not enter code first) to displayfaulted zones.2. Secure or bypass the zones displayed.3. The touchpad’s READY indicator lights when allprotection zones have been either closed or bypassed.4. Arm the system as desired.Custom Display:(-7%61)( 46)77 ∗83 7,3; *%9087English Display:Zone no. and “NOT READY”Voice Status: Voice Touchpads (if installed), can announce system status and faultedzones (up to 3 zone descriptors) if the Voice Status feature is turned on.To turn the Voice Status feature on/off: # + 0 + 2 + 4(also turns on Voice Chime mode; see Chime mode section)To announce Status: Press [∗] STATUS key once.To announce faulted zones: Press the [∗] STATUS key a second time within 5seconds of the first press.