SYSTEM OVERVIEWUSER SECURITY CODESThe 5140xM allows up to 99 4-digh usersecurity codes to be programmed, Thesecdes are enterd at the consoless keypadand are used to operate the system.When pr~rammed, each cob is assign~an authority level which determines thesystem tinctions that code can perform,For example, some codes can be givenauthority to arm/disarm the burgla~system and to bypass fire and burglaWzones. Other codes may be restricted toarm/disarming the burglaW system only,There are six authority levels: master,manager, operator ASOWratOr B, o~ratorC & duress. Generally speaking, themaster cde is Intendd to be known andused only by the building owner, Themanager rnk is intenhd to b known andused only by the building euperintentint,the building security officer or the fike,These males allow full convol over systemoperation, The operator’s codes areintended 10 be used by individuals whonmd fimited and{or temWra~ control oversystem operation, The duress coh allowsa silent panic report to be transmitted tothe central station when the user is for@to arm or disarm under threat. Refer to tie.ADDING, CHANGING AND DELETINGUSER CODES. section for detaileddescriptions of the functions that thesecties can petiorm,All codes can be used interchangeablywhen petiorming system operations withinthe Umik of each cotis authotity level, Forexample, the burgla~ system may bearmed with an operator’s codo and thendisarmed with a master or manager-scdes. Note that an operator C ade @nonly disarm tie burglary system if it wasusd to arm the system,Your installer will have programmed atleast one master code and possiblyseveral other types of cod% at installationtime. Make sure you have a rewrd of themales that were prWrammed, The m~twand managerchange or delete additional codes fortem~ra~ usem on an “as neek~ ksis,Refer to the .ADDING, CHANGING ANDDELETING USER CODES section formore information,BASIC PROCEDURETo perform most system tinctions, simplyenter your rode, then prew the key for thedesired function, To disarm the burgla~system or clear the console display, entwyour code, then press the OFF [1] key,~s is referred to In this ma””aI aS th~“OFF. smuenco.. . . . . . . . .NOTE: if .Quick Arming. w= programmedby the installer, the [#] key a“ k pres~din place of fhe security mde when armingthe burgla~ system, The security codemust stitl be us~ to disarm the system,CONSOLE SOUNDS SELF.HELP FEATUREThe console has a built4n sounder which Abbreviated user,s instwctions are builtwill produce an interrupted sound for fire into the system that mn be easily viewedalarms and a continuous sound forburglary alarms. This sounder will alsoon the alpha console’s message display“beep. during certain system functions,scrwn. This featire will prove ~dioulatiyuseful if this manual is not convenientlysuch as when depressing keys to operate accessible when you need to perform athe system (to acknowledge the key seldom usw system pmmdure with whichpress], during ent~lexit delay times andduring chime rook, &me of thwe so””kyou are not familiar,mn be optionally suppressed, Ask your To view the abbreviated instructions,installer if this h= ban hne, simply press and hold down tie tinctionkey of intem6t until the &stiption sua b?PFar (about 5 s=onk) and tien mIeseIt. Refer to the FUNCTfONS OF THECONSOLE section for detailedh%riptions of each key bntiion,-5-