– 32 –ACCESSING OTHER PARTITIONS(GOTO Command and Global Arming)To AccessAnother PartitionNOTE: Accessinganother partition andGlobal arming requiresthe use of an alphakeypad.Each keypad is assigned a default partition for display purposes, and will show only thatpartition's information. But, if the user is authorized, a keypad in one partition can be used toperform system functions in the other partition by using the GOTO command. Note that onlythose partitions authorized and programmed by the installer can be accessed in this manner.To GOTO another partition (using an alpha keypad):READY1. Enter your security code, then press ✱ + partition number (0–2).Entering partition number “0” will return the keypad to its original partition.2. The keypad will remain in the new partition until directed to go to another partition, or until2 minutes has elapsed with no keypad activity.L O G - O N T O A A A AP A R T. X C O M P L E T EThe keypad will remain in the new partition until directed togo to another partition, or until 2 minutes has elapsed withno keypad activity.AAAA = alpha descriptor programmed by the installerX = partition numberGlobal Arming The Global Arming option may have been programmed for use by some users. If GlobalArming was enabled for use with your security code, a keypad prompt (message) will appearafter pressing one of the arming function keys (STAY, INSTANT, AWAY, MAXIMUM, OFF).Follow the keypad prompts to continue arming the system. See your installer for detailedinstructions on the use of this feature.If global arming does not apply to your security code, use the procedures described in thefollowing pages.