-- 36 --Using The KeyswitchGeneralYour system may be equipped with a keyswitch for use when armingand disarming a partition. A red and green light on the keyswitchplate indicate the status of your system as follows:Green Light: Lights when the system is disarmed and ready tobe armed (no open zones). If the system is disarmedand the green light is off, it indicates the system isnot ready (one or more zones are open).Red Light: Lights when system is armed or memory of alarmexists.Lit Steady: Partition is armed in AWAY mode.Slow Flashing: Partition is armed in STAY mode.Rapid Flashing: Memory of alarm, indicating an alarm has occurred.ArmingTo arm in the AWAY mode, turnthe key to the right for 1/2 secondand release. Keypads will beep twiceand the red light will stay on steady.To arm in the STAY mode, turnthe key to the right and hold forlonger than 10 seconds, then release.Keypads will beep three times andthe red light will flash slowly.DisarmingTo disarm the partition, turn thekey to the right and release. If analarm has occurred, the red lightwill be flashing rapidly (memory ofalarm).GREEN RED